is countless amount of restaurants in the world . You can choose
anything you like from a wide variety of cuisines and styles. Some are
famous for special dishes, another – for music or decor. But also there
is a number of the funniest ones. Why? Because they are considered to be
the most unusual restaurants in the world.
Dinner in the ice

summer, when we have about +30 or even +40 degrees outside, Ice
Restaurant in Dubai (UAE) is a real ice miracle, where everything is
made of ice, even the tables and serving.
it is possible to dine and even to spend a night in the ice house. But
for this purpose you should travel at the other end of the world – to
Finland and to visit Lainio Snow Village Ice Restaurant.
Extreme lovers
who have never had the enough quantity of unforgettable emotions are
invited to Tokyo to visit a special chain of restaurants called
Alkatraz. This dinner will impress anyone, because everything is almost
like in the real prison. You will be read your rights, your fingerprints
will be taken, you will put on a prison uniform and only after that go
to the bars for dinner.

However, the menu is markedly different from the prison’s one.
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